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College of Humanities

College of Humanities
College of Humanities

Established in 1991, the College of Humanities now offers undergraduate and graduate programs in four departments which include the Departments of Chinese Literature, Foreign Languages and Literature, History and Philosophy. In addition, two Graduate Institutes offer programs in Linguistics, Taiwanese Literature. All of the four departments offer Undergraduate, Master, and Ph.D. programs. Altogether there are seven graduate programs which include Chinese, Foreign Languages and Literature, TEFL, History, Philosophy, Linguistics, and Taiwanese Literature.

The core curriculum of the College of Humanities consists of objectives: (1) to equip students with necessary skills in the fields of Chinese language, English and other foreign languages; (2) to provide students with abilities to analyze and think independently and systematically; (3) to increase students’ awareness of diversity, the complexity of human conditions, and richness of human expressions both today and throughout history. These three objectives furnish students with the ability to learn from the successes and failures of others and profit from the richness of human experiences. In addition, in conjunction with the core curriculum offered by the College of Sciences, CCU is able to provide the fundamental basis of a well-rounded general education that gives its students more than just a technical view of the world.

Literature courses are taught both in the Department of Chinese Literature and the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature. Most of them focus on the forms of human expression in historical context, delving into history, philosophy, and criticism. While most of the history courses are offered through the Department of History, many of the classes offered by the Department of Chinese Literature and the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature are pertinent to the study of the history of language and culture, both Eastern and Western

While, the core courses offered by the Department of Philosophy aim to develop students’ abilities in analytic, logical, and systematical thinking; they are also indispensable for a deep understanding of literature, history, and language.

Today’s world changes rapidly and has become increasingly more complex every day. Meanwhile, it continues to shrink with inextricable interdependence. It is not only desirable but also necessary for an educated person in Taiwan to have the ability to use Chinese, English, and other foreign languages effectively, to think clearly and to arrive at decisions with consistent and rational humanitarian concerns, to appreciate diversity, and to handle confrontations with poise and intelligence. The curriculum of the College of Humanities is structured with courses designed to enrich the spiritual existence of students and to provide them with the necessary skills, so they will be able to function effectively and to live happily in the 21st Century.

Department and Institute of Chinese Literature (B.A., M.A. & Ph.D.)

Department and Institute of Foreign Languages and Literature (B.A., M.A.& Ph.D.)

Department and Institute of History (B.A., M.A. & Ph.D.)

Department and Institute of Philosophy (B.A., M.A. & Ph.D.)

Institute of Linguistics (M.A. & Ph.D.)

Institute of Taiwanese Literature (M.A.)

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