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College of Sciences

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The College of Sciences at National Chung Cheng University was established in August 1991, two years after the University was founded. Presently, the College consists of five departments (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and Life Science) offering complete programs leading to Bachelor' s, Master' s, and Ph.D. level degrees. Among the graduate institutes, six (Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Seismology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology) offer both Master and PhD programs, and three (Statistical Science, Applied Geophysics, and Medical Biology) offer only Master programs.

This College also administers the newly established Center for the Management of Special Instruments. Charged with providing the best and state-of-the-art analytical instruments that enhance the quality of scientific research at CCU, the center also serves the scientific community with its shops and technical know-how.

At the time of CCU' s founding, the initial aim was set to focus on laying a strong basis for the education of mathematics, natural sciences, and earth science. Natural sciences and mathematics are the essential elements in the College of Sciences, and will allow students to be competitive with the rest of the world. However, earth science has been developed particularly to meet the needs of the seismically active island of Taiwan, and has gained a reputation of excellence. After almost two decades, with solid foundations of mathematics and physical sciences firmly established, the College will embark on interdisciplinary research with an emphasis on biological sciences, particularly in the fields related to materials and medicine, so as to meet the challenge of fast advancement of biological science that is anticipated to occur in the new Century.

With a full-time faculty of about 95, the College is dedicated to education and research by offering a variety of programs which allow students to focus on their majors that will prepare them for future careers in their professional fields and to face with ever constantly changed scientific technology and society. The interplay between theory and experiment or observation characterizes the academic activity of the College. Undergraduate students are encouraged to gain experiences through independent research studies by working closely with faculty in all disciplines.

Department of Mathematics (B.S., M.S. & Ph.D.)

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences (B.S.)

Department of Physics (B.S., M.S. & Ph.D.)

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (B.S., M.S. & Ph.D.)

Department of Biomedical Sciences (B.S., M.S. & Ph.D.)

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