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College of Engineering


The College of Engineering, established in 1989, hosts five departments and graduate institutes: the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Communications Engineering, and the Institute of Opto-Mechatronics. During the academic year of 2012, the College had more than 100 faculty members with Ph.D. degrees, and 2,542 students were enrolled in Ph.D. (209), M.S. (895), and B.S. (1438) programs.

Faculty members of the College have received recognition in various research fields and are active in publishing results in international and domestic journals, conference proceedings and patents. Many of them have achieved international and domestic research awards including NSC distinguished and outstanding research awards, NSC regular research awards, Chinese Engineering Society awards, IEE Fellows, IEEE Fellows, President of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, etc.

The efforts of the past twenty years have established a solid foundation for the College of Engineering to meet the challenge of the 21st Century. After the completion of the multi-year plan, the College will have five undergraduate departments and ten graduate institutes offering Master of Science programs with five of them granting Doctor of Philosophy degrees. With its wide spectrum of curriculum and advanced laboratory facilities plus a peaceful and picturesque campus, the College of Engineering is well positioned to recruit the best faculty of the world and the most talented students from around the country. With innovation and dedication of its faculty and students and in addition to a strong team spirit, the College is expected to become a prime research and teaching center in its chosen technology domains, including precision machinery, telecommunication, and biotechnology

With a full-time faculty of about 95, the College is dedicated to education and research by offering a variety of programs which allow students to focus on their majors that will prepare them for future careers in their professional fields and to face with ever constantly changed scientific technology and society. The interplay between theory and experiment or observation characterizes the academic activity of the College. Undergraduate students are encouraged to gain experiences through independent research studies by working closely with faculty in all disciplines.

Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (B.S., M.S. & Ph.D.)

Department of Electrical Engineering (B.S., M.S. & Ph.D.)

Department of Mechanical Engineering (B.S., M.S.& Ph.D.)

Department of Chemical Engineering (B.S.,M.S.& Ph.D.)

Graduate Institute of Communicational Engineering (B.S.,M.S.& Ph.D.)

Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems

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