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College of Social Sciences


Founded in 1991, the College of Social Sciences consists of five departments: Department of Social Welfare, Department of Psychology, Department of Labor Relations, Department of Political Science, Department of Communications, and one independent graduate institute (Graduate Institute of Strategic and International Affairs Studies). All of the five departments offer both Undergraduate and Master’s programs. The Social Welfare, Psychology, and Political Science departments also offer Doctor of Philosophy degrees (Ph.D.). In addition, the Department of Psychology has a Graduate Institute of Clinical Psychology which offers Master’s programs. In the academic year of 2012, the College of Social Sciences enrolled 1,428 students (58 students in Ph.D. programs, 365 in M.A. programs, and 1,005 in B.A. programs).

Despite the relative youth of the College, it has received national acclaim for several successive years. Two of the departments have recently been ranked in the top tier, alongside prestigious universities with much longer histories in Taiwan. The College is determined to further enhance its teaching quality and research environments in the years to come.

The curricula of the College of Social Sciences focus on social welfare, psychology, political science, labor relations, and communications. "Social Welfare" adopts an interdisciplinary approach integrating sociology, economics, public finance as well as government policy-making. "Psychology" presents state-of-the-art knowledge on cognitive science and study of human brain and mind . "Political science" includes theories and practices of political methodology, international relations, comparative politics, as well as public administration and public policy. "Labor relations" examine the dynamics of labor forces as well as the management of human resources and industrial relations. "Communications" cover the technologies of modern media and government regulation policies related to telecommunications

Despite the diversity of the above-mentioned areas, the curricula of the College share common emphases, viz. creative thinking, rigorous reasoning, and solid methodology. The aim of the College lies in fostering students with scientific thinking and humanitarian concerns. The curricula also emphasize on effective management of the interrelationship between individuals and society. The College has been paying greater attention to current and future trends in social sciences, and will continue to sponsor academic activities in both domestic and international aspects.

The College of Social Sciences currently has 78 full-time faculty members, including 20 professors, 35 associate professors, 20 assistant professors, and 2 lecturer. All of them are fully devoted to the pursuit of excellence in both teaching and research. Many of our faculty members have earned Research Prominence Awards from the NSC, as well as National Endowment Chair Professor and Research Excellence Awards from the Ministry of Education in the past five years.

Department of Social Welfare (B.A.,M.A.& Ph.D.)

Department of Psychology (B.S.,M.S.& Ph.D.)

Department of Labor Relations (B.A.)

Department and Graduate Institute of Political Science (B.A.,M.A.& Ph.D.)

Department of Communication (B.A.)

Graduate Institute of Strategic and Int’l Affairs Studies (M.A.)

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