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Center for Teacher Education


Established in August, 1995, the goal of the Center for Teacher Education at Chung Cheng University is to prepare high quality secondary school teachers in the area of arts, sciences, engineering, social sciences and administration. It also serves to reduce the teacher shortage in those areas in Taiwan. Due to its success in the past, the Center had been approved by the Ministry of Education to develop two classes for primary school teachers preparation in August 1999. The Center currently has 9 full-time faculties, including 1 full professor, 6 associate professors and 2 assistant professors, all with advanced degree in related fields of education received from countries such as Taiwan, USA, UK, and Germany. In addition, there are more than 11 distinguished faculties from National Chia-Yi University, Nan-Hua University, and other colleges at Chung Cheng University. These adjunct professors offer a wide range of teacher preparation courses to meet the needs of our students.

In addition to the teacher preparation programs, the Center also actively sponsored professional and academic activities. The Center has held 54 events in 2011-2012 academic year, covering many issues in theory and practice of education. Among them were the four main issues related to teacher education development which attracted much attention from practitioners and researchers. The Center has been very actively gathering comprehensive teacher preparation information and is planning to set up an information center. We are also t pulling all available resources to purchase necessary equipment, books, and professional journals to further improve effectiveness of teaching and research.

In terms of conducting researches, all the colleagues are devoted researchers as well. They have completed 7 NSC research projects in this academic year. In order to develop versatile teaching methods, the Center has added microteaching lab, arts and crafts classroom, computer servers, etc. to fulfill this mission.

The Center has been ranked as one of the excellent teacher preparation institutions by the Ministry of Education since 1999. In order to recruit the best students, the Center has set rigid admission criteria, including admission test and screening procedures. Furthermore, in order to facilitate the internship program, the Center has signed contracted 84 secondary schools and 76 primary schools to provide places for practical teaching, and to help trainees participate in real school work..

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