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Marching Toward a Brand New Chapter in International ForwardLooking Knowledge, National Chung Cheng University Signed the Dual Degree Program with Kasetsart University

In an effort to motivate discussions regarding smart manufacturing and
mechanical fields between Taiwan and Thailand, CCU College of
Engineering and Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-Tech
Innovations held the “Taiwan-Thailand Symposium on Engineering and
Technology 2024” recently. During the conference, CCU and KU jointly
signed the “Dual Degree Program”. This partnership symbolizes that if
students from both schools achieved all academic credit in due time, as
well as completing their theses, they can receive two diplomas.
The dual degree program was signed by CCU COE Dean Yuan-Yao Li
and KU’s Vice Dean Dulpichet Rerkpreedapong. This collaboration
represents both parties’ complete cooperation on cultivating talents for
international smart manufacturing and machinery. CCU Department of
Mechanical Engineering Professor Yong-Song Chen said the dual degree
program will officially commence in the 113th academic year. Both
schools will have students taking courses in respective universities, and
receive guiding support from the schools’ professors in completing their
theses. The students are then required to publish two international journal
articles, one dissertation and pass the oral test. After having their skills
acknowledged, students will then be able to receive the double degree.
Yuan-Yao Li emphasized that machinery and technology are the two key
factors that motivate societal advances and economic progress.
International scholars and researchers who attended the conference shared
their most recent academic discoveries and innovative advances on
machinery, electricity and communication, chemistry, computer science
and EMI machinery. Yuan-Yao Li pointed out that KU’s QS ranking is
nearly equal to CCU. What is more, ever since the year 2023, the two
schools have already had intensive interactions, such as welcoming
graduate students from KU to study at CCU. Now that the dual degree
program is set in stone, the two schools hope to have even deeper
interactions with one another.
As the organizer of the conference, COE Vice Dean Guo-En Chang said
that the conference also invited over 120 esteemed guests from Chiang
Mai University, KU, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
and King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok. The
agenda of the conference included renowned scholars’ speeches from
both countries and research result announcements from Taiwanese and
Thai students. This conference motivated in-depth conversations and
discussions from scholars and students, and has further created more
collaboration opportunities for the future.
Through 35 years, CCU has upheld its vision of innovating and soaring to
greater heights. As a result, the school has cultivated numerous talents in
all kinds of fields. The academic exchange between COE and prestigious
universities in Thailand is a brand new monument for CCU’s global
vision. This collaboration will also enhance the overall quality of
mechanical education in both Taiwan and Thailand. COE said the Dual
Degree Program signing ceremony will also open a new chapter in the
countries’ smart manufacturing and machinery field.

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