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“Precise Exercise, Vibrant Life”: National Chung Cheng University Dives into Elderly Exercising Activities with Chiayi County Government

In an effort to create more vibrancy in the aging society by implementing
precise exercising, CCU Department of Athletic Sports held the third
term of the “Precise functionality sports instructors training and certifying
program” in Chiayi County Human Resources Development Center’s
Startup Academy’s assembly hall. This event was held on behalf of
Chiayi County Government’s request. The event aims to show the
project’s results, share highlights of discussions and present multiple
exercise instructors’ experiences. The host for this event is Chiayi County
Magistrate Chang-Liang Weng, with many doctors, professionals and
community representatives who had taken an interest participating the
CCU DAS said, ever since the third term of the event has commenced,
the training of precise exercise instructors has shown great results. They
have finished cultivating more than 50 instructors to complete their
training courses, and grasped the usage of Functional Movement Screen
(FMS), the human anatomy and basic exercising movement sets. The plan
has further spread these resources to other communities, covering 100
communities across the entirety of Chiayi County, with 1599 people
being tested regarding their viability for it. These trained professionals
can then provide functional training for elders and can significantly
enhance their life quality and health. According to the statistics, with the
addition of precise exercising courses, elders have immense improvement
in their upper and lower limb muscle endurance, lower limb muscle
strength, dynamic agility and trunk stability. Moreover, the elders’
average biological age has rejuvenated by 4 years, with the total score of
physical fitness improving 98 points.
The event’s main topic is: “Precise Exercise, Vibrant Life”. It is held to
respond to the question of how to create a dynamic aging society with the
implementation of precise exercising. Magistrate Chang-Liang Weng
said: “Precise exercising can not only enhance the elderly’s health, but it
can also strengthen community cohesion, and motivate intergenerational
discussions. We hope to use such a platform to allow more people to
understand and participate in precise exercising. By doing so, we believe
that we can create a vibrant and healthy aging society.”
CCU DAS professor Hsiu-Hua Wang pointed out that precise exercising
not only improves the bodily function of elders, but also helps with their
mental health, since such exercises can help them build confidence and
social connections with one another. Precise exercising can effectively
satisfy the elders’ needs and achieve the best outcome.
Instructors and residents who have participated in the event also shared
their feedback on the on-site teachings and hands-on practices. An
instructor shared: “This plan not only let me learn a lot of professional
exercising knowledge, but it also allowed me to observe the elders’ body
conditions’ improvement immediately. All of these gave me an immense
sense of achievement.” An elder also shared that they originally needed a
wheelchair to move around, but after taking precise exercising courses,
their body condition has received apparent improvement. Now, they no
longer have to rely on the wheelchair and can even walk to attend lectures
on their own.
The DAS said, the academic conference this time was extremely
successful since it signifies the current accomplishment of the “Precise
functionality sports instructor training and certifying program” in Chiayi
County. In the future, Chiayi County will keep deepening and expanding
the influence of precise exercising in communities. In the name of
lifelong learning, through the implementation of precise exercising across
100 communities, they hope to connect and instruct communities of all
kinds in Chiayi County. The government wishes to allow more elders to
receive the benefit of exercising and keep reinforcing the idea of aging
healthily within the nation.

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